Liste des pièces

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Numéro du set Nom
3641 3641 Tire 15mm D. x 6mm Offset Tread Small
36h 36h Tire Smooth Old Style - Large Hollow (Air Tire)
3740 3740 Tire 24 x 43 Technic
4084 4084 Tire 21mm D. x 9mm Offset Tread Medium
41893 41893 Tire 68.8 x 36 H
41897 41897 Tire 56 x 28 ZR Street
42611 42611 Tire 17.5mm D. x 6mm with Shallow Staggered Treads
4267 4267 Tire 20 x 30 Technic
44308 44308 Tire 43.2 x 22 H
44309 44309 Tire 43.2 x 22 ZR
44771 44771 Tire 68.8 x 36 ZR
44799 44799 Tire with Center Groove (Tightrope Guide Wheel)
45795 45795 Tire 81 x 40 Balloon Offset Tread
45982 45982 Tire 81.6 x 38 R Balloon
46335 46335 Tire 94.3mm D. x 38mm Motorcycle Racing Tread
47345 47345 Tire 94 x 40 Balloon Offset Tread
50861 50861 Tire 21mm D. x 6mm City Motorcycle
50945 50945 Tire 14mm D. x 6mm Solid Smooth
51011u 51011u Tire 17.5mm D. x 6mm with Shallow Staggered Treads (undetermined type)
51379 51379 Tire Technic Street Bike (8420) - Wide, Rear
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